in English

Lemon juice is good for the couch and sore throat.
Hot water with teaspoon of honey can make you feel better when you have a sore throat.
Chamomile is great for your stomachache.
If you have a temperature, put a compress of water and vinegar on your forehead.
If the temperature is still high, take a cool bath. You will feel much better at once.
For headaches, boil mint or lavender leaves. Strain and add honey and lemon juice. Drink it while it is still hot.
Have you got a toothache? Chew lavender leaves. It is going to make you feel better.
For cold, boil water with eucalyptus leaves. Stand over the pot and breathe deeply. Repeat as many times as you can.
Does your back hurt? Have a good massage with alcohol before going to bed at night, and keep warm.         


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